Previous Talks:
Before 2020, 2020, 2021, 2022
- Title: "Non-thermal Coronal Activity in Seyfert Galaxies"
- Date: 2023/11/14
- Place: Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
- Presentation: Seminar
- Title: "Intensive Lecture: High Energy Astrophysics"
- Date: 2023/11/13-15
- Place: Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
- Presentation: Intensive Lecture
- Title: "High-Energy Accretion Phenomena Around Black Holes"
- Date: 2023/08/10-11
- Place: RESCEU Summer School 2023, Nagano, Japan
- Presentation: Intensive Lecture
- Title: "ニュートリノ源対応天体のサイエンス"
- Date: 2023/08/07
- Place: JEDI Meeting, Sagamihara, Japan
- Presentation: Talk
- Title: "Science Cases with JEDI - My Personal View - "
- Date: 2023/05/11
- Place: JEDI Meeting, Kyoto, Japan
- Presentation: Talk
- Title: "相対論が繋ぐビッグバンとブラックホール"
- Date: 2023/04/25
- Place: NHK 講座「宇宙地球科学への招待」, Osaka, Japan
- Presentation: Talk
- Title: "Non-thermal Coronal Activity in Nearby AGNs"
- Date: 2023/03/06
- Place: Topical Workshop: NGC 1068 as cosmic laboratory, Munich, Germany
- Presentation: Talk
- Title: "Prospects for Observations of Jetted and Unjetted Active Galactic Nuclei with CTA"
- Date: 2023/02/07
- Place: The extreme Universe viewed in very-high-energy gamma rays 2022, Kashiwa, Japan
- Presentation: Talk