
List of Papers


Observational Proposals (Not Complete)

PI programs

  1. Unveiling Local Metallicity Environment of X-ray Binaries in M 51
    PI: Yoshiyuki Inoue, Seimei 2020A, 3 nights
  2. Search for time variability in coronal syncrotron emission in a nearby Seyfert galaxy
    PI: Yoshiyuki Inoue, ALMA Cycle-7
  3. Unveiling Local Metallicity Environment of X-ray Binaries in M 33
    PI: Yoshiyuki Inoue, Seimei 2019B, 4 nights
  4. Unveiling Local Metallicity Environment of X-ray Binaries in M 51
    PI: Yoshiyuki Inoue, Seimei 2019A, 1.5 nights
  5. ALMA survey of coronal magnetic activity of supermassive black holes in nearby Seyfert galaxies
    PI: Yoshiyuki Inoue, ALMA Cycle-6
  6. Unveiling Local Environment of ULXs in The Antennae Galaxy
    PI: Yoshiyuki Inoue, Subaru S17-A Service program
  7. Disentangling the Origin of the Millimeter Excess in Nearby AGNs toward Understanding of the Nature of AGN Coronae
    PI: Yoshiyuki Inoue, ALMA Cycle-4

Co-I programs

  1. Probing formation and dynamics in the extreme knot in the western jet of the microquasar SS433
    PI: N. Tsuji, Chandra Cycle-23
  2. High-resolution radio continuum observations of the knots in W50 - A PeVatron accelerator driven by SS 433's jets
    PI: N. Tsuji, ALMA Cycle-8
  3. Simultaneous X-ray and VHE gamma-ray Observation toward an Extreme Blazar Candidate Selected from a New Blazar Catalog BROS
    PI: R. Itoh, MAGIC Cycle-14
  4. Optical Follow-Up Observations for IceCube High-Energy Neutrino Sources
    PI: T. Morokuma, Subaru S18B
  5. Subaru follow-up for IceCube neutrino event
    PI: Y. Tanaka, Subaru S17B
  6. Mysterious millimeter excess of radio continuum spectrum in the merging Seyfert galaxy NGC 985 with double nucleus
    PI: A. Doi, ALMA Cycle-3, Priority-B
  7. XMM-Newton/RGS and ASTRO-H/SXS study of warm hot intergalactic medium and hot gas around the Milky Way through flaring blazar’s continuum
    PI:Y. T. Tanaka, XMM-Newton AO-14
  8. Joint Analysis of Fermi/LAT And Nustar Observations of Blazars
    PI: G. Madjeski, Fermi GI Cycle-6


  1. 宇宙物理学ハンドブック, 朝倉書店, A5/912ページ/2020年02月01日
    高原文郎 ・家正則 ・小玉英雄 ・高橋忠幸 編
    井上芳幸 執筆担当:2.8.11節


  1. 宇宙ガンマ線背景放射研究の進展とMeVガンマ線天文学への期待
    井上芳幸, 天文月報2018年11月号研究奨励賞記事
  2. 夜空は明るい!? - 近赤外線背景放射の謎をめぐって
    井上芳幸, ISAS news 2015年10月 No.415 宇宙科学の最前線
  3. 宇宙を満たすガンマ線背景放射の起源と残された謎
    井上芳幸, 日本物理学会誌 第70巻 第10号 解説
  4. 宇宙ガンマ線背景放射と活動銀河核種族の研究 - FermiからCTAへ
    井上芳幸, 天文月報2012年8月号EUREKA記事
  5. Cherenkov Telescope Array 計画
    CTA-Japan Consortium, 井上芳幸 執筆担当: 2.4章, 2.6章, 2.10章, 2.12.2章
  6. 宇宙MeVガンマ線背景放射と活動銀河核の硬X線スペクトル
    井上芳幸, 天文月報2008年7月号EUREKA記事


  1. The Extragalactic Gamma-ray Background Radiation and the Cosmological Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei beyond the Fermi Era, Ph. D. Thesis (Kyoto University)
  2. The Cosmic Gamma-ray Background and Active Galactic Nuclei in the Fermi Era, Master Thesis (Kyoto University)