Extragalactic X-ray Binary Catalog

Extragalactic X-ray Binary Catalog described in Inoue, Yabe, & Ueda 2021 PASJ


We construct a new catalog of extragalactic X-ray binaries (XRBs) utilizing the latest Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Swift X-ray source catalogs by matching with the local galaxy catalogs. Our fiducial catalog including Chandra sources only contains 4430 XRBs hosted by 237 galaxies within ~130 Mpc. Utilizing the latest XMM-Newton, and Swift X-ray source catalog data sets, additional XRB candidates are also found resulting in 5757 XRBs hosted by 311 galaxies.

Catalog Download

  • Main Catalog (Chandra data only)

    • FITS/Ascii
    • Used for XRB XLF construction in the paper.
  • Full Catalog (Chandra, XMM-Newton, & Swift data)

Table Description

Column Name Unit Note
Name_XRB Source name
RA deg Right ascension of the source
DEC deg Declination of the source
L_X_2_10 erg/s 2-10 keV luminosity
Satellite ID of the satellite which measured the source. C: Chandra, X: XMM-Newton, S: Swift/XRT
Name_Host Host galaxy name
RA_Host deg Right ascension of the host galaxy
DEC_Host deg Declination of the host galaxy
D25 arcmin Major angular diameter of the host galaxy
b/a Axial ratio of the host galaxy
PA deg Position angle of the host galaxy
Morphology Morphology of the host galaxy, defiend by de vvv
Distance Mpc Distance to the host galaxy
SFR $$M_\odot/{\rm yr}$$ Star formation rate of the host galaxy
Stellar_Mass $$M_\odot$$ Stellar mass of the host galaxy
Galaxy_Catalog Identification of the parent galaxy catalog. LVG: LVG Catalog, IRAS: IRAS Catalog


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