Hello. I am an associate professor at Osaka University, interested in understanding the nature of black holes. As an astronomer, I have been working on both theoretical and observational astrophysics.
Our paper on spatial variations of magnetic field along active galactic nuclei jets on sub-pc to Mpc scales is accepted by ApJ.
Our paper on cross-match between the latest Swift-BAT and Fermi-LAT catalogs is accepted by ApJ.
Our review article on the high energy aspect of AGN coronae is accepted by Galaxies.
Dr. Tomonari Michiyama joined our group.
Bachelor Thesis Presentation Day
We are pleasure to hear that our excellent undergraduate student defended his bachelor thesis presentation. Kaoru Yanagisawa worked on new PBH constraint method using AGN torus. Congratulations!
Our paper on the PBH abundance using Leo T is accepted by ApJL.
Our paper on the origin of Galactic spurs is accepted by ApJ.
Our paper on the optical follow-up of TXS 0506+056 is accepted by PASJ.
Postdoctoral Researcher Position at Osaka University
Now I am seeking a postdoctoral researcher at Osaka University. The candidate will work on the study of AGN coronal emission using theory, X-ray data, and radio (ALMA) data.
The position is posted here: https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/c9248b30
Application Deadline: Friday, November 13, 2020
活動銀河核コロナの研究に関する特任研究員(理論 and/or 観測)を一名、公募しております。 応募締切は令和2年11月13日(金) 日本時間 15:00必着です。 国立天文台で雇用され、大阪大学(豊中キャンパス)に派遣される形になります。
詳しくはこちらをご参照ください。 https://jobregister.nao.ac.jp/ja-JP/jobVacancyList https://www.nao.ac.jp/contents/job-vacancy/job-20201012-alma-osaka.pdf