Hello. I am an associate professor at Osaka University, interested in understanding the nature of black holes. As an astronomer, I have been working on both theoretical and observational astrophysics.
Our paper on the Zeeman effect in MAD is accepted by PASJ.
Bachelor Thesis Presentation Day
We are pleasure to hear that two excellent undergraduate students in our group defended their bachelor thesis presentations. Katsunori Kusakabe looked into the stellar magnetic field condition to realize the magnetically arrested disk in X-ray binaries. Tatsuki Fujiwara worked on 26Al gamma-ray line signals from solar bodies as well as the estimation of past cosmic-ray activity using comets. Congratulations to all of them!
Our paper on the MeV source contribution to the inner Galactic Diffuse emission is accepted by ApJ.
Dr. Ellis R. Owen joined our group.
Our paper on ALMA detection of pc-scale blobs at the head of kpc-scale jet in NGC 1068 by ApJL.
Our paper on the contribution of radio galaxies to the cosmic gamma-ray background radiation is accepted by ApJ.
Our Group Member, Naomi Tsuji, is now an assistant professor at Kanagawa University .
Bachelor Thesis Presentation Day
We are pleasure to hear that our excellent undergraduate student defended his bachelor thesis presentation. Tomoya Yamada worked on radio emission signals from AGN disk winds. Congratulations!
Our paper on interstellar gas heating by PBHs is accepted by JCAP.
Title: Interstellar Gas Heating by Primordial Black Holes.
Authors: Volodymyr Takhistov, Philip Lu, Graciela B. Gelmini, Kohei Hayashi, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Alexander Kusenko