Title: High energy emission component, population, and contribution to the extragalactic gamma-ray background of gamma-ray emitting radio galaxies.
Authors: Ellis R. Owen, Kinwah Wu, Yoshiyuki Inoue, H.-Y. Karen Yang, Alison M. W. Mitchell
Galaxy evolution is an important topic, and our physical understanding must be complete to establish a correct picture. This includes a thorough treatment of feedback. The effects of thermal-mechanical and radiative feedback have been widely considered, however cosmic rays (CRs) are also powerful energy carriers in galactic ecosystems. Resolving the capability of CRs to operate as a feedback agent is therefore essential to advance our understanding of the processes regulating galaxies. The effects of CRs are yet to be fully understood, and their complex multi-channel feedback mechanisms operating across the hierarchy of galaxy structures pose a significant technical challenge. This review examines the role of CRs in galaxies, from the scale of molecular clouds to the circum-galactic medium. An overview of their interaction processes, their implications for galaxy evolution, and their observable signatures is provided and their capability to modify the thermal and hydrodynamic configuration of galactic ecosystems is discussed. We present recent advancements in our understanding of CR processes and interpretation of their signatures, and highlight where technical challenges and unresolved questions persist. We discuss how these may be addressed with upcoming opportunities.
- Our paper on the possible contributions of blazars to the NGC 4151 neutrino hotspot is accepted by A&A.
- Our paper on the Gamma-Ray emission from the nearby Seyfert Galaxy GRS 1734-292 is accepted by ApJ.
- Our paper on the coronal cosmic-ray energy budget in AGNs is accepted by PASJ.
- Our paper on cosmic rays in cosmological filaments is accepted by Universe.
- Our paper on cosmic rays in large-scale filaments is accepted by Universe.