Title: On the Zeeman Effect in Magnetically-Arrested Disks.
Authors: Yoshiyuki Inoue
Magnetically arrested disk (MAD) has been argued as the key accretion phase to realize the formation of relativistic jets. However, due to the lack of magnetic field measurements of accreting systems, MAD has not been observationally confirmed yet. Here we propose that a strong magnetic field accompanied by MAD would induce the Zeeman splitting of relativistically broadened Fe Kα fluorescence lines in X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei, where we consider a two-phase medium in the inner accretion disk, magnetically dominated hot corona and cold reflector. Such a geometrical configuration is suggested from X-ray observations and recently confirmed by numerical simulations. Although turbulence in accretion flows would broaden the split lines, future X-ray high-energy resolution satellites, XRISM and Athena, would be capable of seeing the Zeeman effect on the Fe lines in X-ray binaries in the case with the MAD configuration. The signature of the Zeeman split lines would provide observational evidence for MAD.
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- Our paper on cosmic rays in cosmological filaments is accepted by Universe.
- Our paper on cosmic rays in large-scale filaments is accepted by Universe.