Title: Origin of Galactic Spurs: New Insight from Radio/X-ray All-sky Maps.
Authors: Jun Kataoka, Marino Yamamoto, Yuki Nakamura, Soichiro Ito, Yoshiaki Sofue, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Takeshi Nakamori, Tomonori Totani
In this study, we analyze giant Galactic spurs seen in both radio and X-ray all-sky maps to reveal their origins. We discuss two types of giant spurs: one is the brightest diffuse emission near the map’s center, which is likely to be related to Fermi bubbles (NPSs/SPSs, north/south polar spurs, respectively), and the other is weaker spurs that coincide positionally with local spiral arms in our Galaxy (LAS, local arm spur). Our analysis finds that the X-ray emissions, not only from the NPS but from the SPS are closer to the Galactic center by ~5 deg compared with the corresponding radio emission. Furthermore, larger offsets of 10-20 deg are observed in the LASs; however, they are attributed to different physical origins. Moreover, the temperature of the X-ray emission is kT ~ 0.2 keV for the LAS, which is systematically lower than those of the NPS and SPS (kT ~ 0.3 keV) but consistent with the typical temperature of Galactic halo gas. We argue that the radio/X-ray offset and the slightly higher temperature of the NPS/SPS X-ray gas are due to the shock compression/heating of halo gas during a significant Galactic explosion in the past, whereas the enhanced X-ray emission from the LAS may be due to the weak condensation of halo gas in the arm potential or star formation activity without shock heating.
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